Mission Statement

1. To limitlessly widen the scope of propagating Devotion to the Divine Mercy through corporal works of mercy as it reaches out to people from all walks of life

2. To solicit and receive funds and donations as it conducts various fund-raising activities in order to finance the construction and completion of a place for pilgrimage

3. To build the place for pilgrimage as stated on the site master plan that will consist of the statue of Jesus, Church of the Divine Mercy, Noah’s Ark, Retreat House, Stations of the Cross, and anything in addition that will pertain to the requirements in order to assert to the needs of Devotees

4. To ensure proper management of the existing Divine Mercy Chapel and its adoration room so that pilgrims will understand the true meaning of worship

5. To provide just livelihood to the poor without any form of discrimination

6. To continue to conduct evangelization activities that lead to physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing

7. To acquire assets to the good for the Foundation

8. To enter into contracts or joint ventures and the likes to expand or better its advocacies

9. To put emphasis into creating a merciful and compassionate community where one’s faith can blossom in Jesus’ love and grace

10. To work in coordination with the parish where it exists or extend upon

Vision Statement

The Shrine of the Divine Mercy de Cebu Foundation, Inc. exists in order to promote absolute service to God through various acts of propagating Devotion to the Divine Mercy.

The Foundation thrives as the Archdiocese of Cebu guides and unites Devotees while the Core Group manages the ongoing construction of the proposed Cebu Shrine of the Divine Mercy, as the Sisters of the Divine Mercy oversees the liturgical activities within.